Play Terni Lapilli (Roman Tic-tac-toe, 9 Holes), the ancient 2-player board game. The first to get 3 in a row wins! Play against a friend, or the computer.
There are nine positions on the board, laid out as a 3x3 grid. Each player has 3 tokens. They takes turns placing one token in an empty slot. Once three pieces are placed, in each move, the player must move one of their tokens to an adjacent spot that is connected by a line with the present spot. The first player's token is a cross (X) and the second player's token is a naught (O).
The first player to reach 3 tokens in a row (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) wins the game. There are two variations available to play, Terni Lapilli allows diagonal moves, and Nine Holes does not. The usual result between two skilled players is a draw.
See Rules for rules and gameplay instructions. Read the wikipedia article for more.
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Recommended Age 3+
Duration 2-10 Minutes